Aesthetic dentistry

Естетична стоматология в Marinova Dental Clinic

Aesthetic dentistry is all about the beauty of your smile. Consumption of various beverages – red wine, tea, coffee, as well as the type of lifestyle that involves smoking, lead to tooth discoloration. At Dr. Marinova’s clinic, two types of whitening are practiced after a basic tartar cleaning – home and dental practice whitening (on the spot spot whitening).

Избелване в Marinova Dental Clinic

Aesthetic dentistry at its best. Beyond Polus Advanced whitening and its certificates.

On the spot whitening

This procedure is performed for a period of time between 30 minutes to 1 hour in the clinic using the most modern equipment in teeth whitening – a machine with an integrated LED light from ‘Beyond’. The device activates the whitening gel applied to the teeth and the result is a sparkling white smile. The procedure is harmless and extremely effective. ‘Beyond‘ has been honored for 6 years as the company providing the best whitening system on the market. The availability of this machine makes Marinova Dental one of the most innovative clinics offering whitening in Sofia.

Home whitening

To perform this type of whitening, we take dental prints from both jaws and prepare silicone braces. A whitening gel is placed in these braces, which has a 10% -15% concentration of a whitening agent. The braces are then worn for 12-14 days usually at night. Everything is done under the control and the supervision of the dentist.

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